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what is ads-B ?

Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, or ADS-B, is today's air traffic technology system that continues to make our airspace safer for every pilot flying. ADS-B is GPS traffic typically operated through the aircraft transponder, although there are other ways of having ADS-B. 


Enhancing the safety of aircraft flying is the main goal of ADS-B as it gives your aircraft's visibility to air traffic controllers (ATC) in real-time and other aircraft who are equipped with the proper ADS-B systems.


There are two types of ADS-B: In and Out. ADS-B out is what the FAA has mandated all aircraft operating within Class A, B and C airspace be equipped with by January 2020. Being equipped with ADS-B out allows your aircraft to be seen by ATC and other aircraft equipped with ADS-B In.


As mentioned above, ADS-B In allows aircraft to be seen by ATC and other aircraft that have ADS-B In capability. Additionally, being ADS-B In Equipped gives you FIS-B weather. The traffic and weather information can be displayed on an aircraft's GPS navigator or portable unit with the proper applications.


Overall, ADS-B brings situational awareness to the cockpit and ultimately gives pilots peace of mind knowing where other aircraft are and what weather they may fly into. Please contact us for questions you may have about ADS-B and to see how we can find the right solution for your aircraft and you. 

ads-b information

how does it work?

ADS-B requires a GPS/WAAS position source for operation. That means your aircraft must be equipped with a GPS/WAAS navigation unit or your ADS-B system must have internal GPS/WAAS.


If you already have a GPS/WAAS navigation source in your aircraft, adding ADS-B can be simple by replacing your current transponder for one with ADS-B capability. Using your GPS/WAAS navigator, it sends GPS position information to your transponder which then communicates that information to ATC; giving them real-time information about your aircraft in flight. 


If you do not have an aircraft equipped with a GPS/WAAS position source, many avionics manufacturers have solutions that integrate internal GPS/WAAS receivers into transponders and UAT receivers. Whether you go for a transponder or UAT solution with built in GPS/WAAS, a GPS antenna will be required as part of the installation.




FAA Approved Repair Station OECR893K

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